Wednesday 9 October 2013

Preliminary Task: Filming

We re-filmed our shots for the preliminary task, as we were not satisfied with the footage we had taken; there was not clear continuity in certain sections and the 180 degree rule had been broken in one shot. Additionally, the mic had not been attached while we were filming the footage which meant our sound quality was not very clear. While re-filming we decided to address the various problems we had as a group and prevented them from happening again. Moreover, we also took lighting into consideration, as we needed quite a bright atmosphere being created in the room.We also re-drew our storyboard making it clear to us as a group of how we were going to plan our filming and to prevent us from making the same mistakes. We noted what type of shot we wanted in each scene, so it didn't waste time when we came to it. We tried using the tripod to make the shots more stable and produce a more professional look. After we had shot our scenes we used the macs to convert the files into Apple Pro Res files, which enabled us to start editing with our clips on Final Cut Pro.

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