Thursday 12 December 2013

Research & Planning: Film Synopsis

A character who is packing her suitcase, leaves her house discreetly to deliver a box to an unknown character at the bridge. The unknown character, also known as the 'collector' later comes to the bridge and collects the gift box. The character who is delivering the box is known as the 'deliverer'. 

Certain deliveries are made for a murder, on each delivery box, there is a code which is shown on the edge. This code unlocks a high tech database showing all of the victims who have been killed and the 10 remaining victims who need to be killed. These people are targeted to be killed because they are apart of a secret agent group organisation and know exclusive information. The deliverer (main character) had packed her suitcase because she was originally apart of this organisation, but turned against them as she was blackmailed by the murderers on a different agent organisation. Throughout the film, there is a team of murderers who will receive different deliveries which contain certain murder tools to kill the secret agents. The code on the box signifies each victims identity to be accessed through the database and shows who needs to be killed. The first delivery box contains a necklace which is a combination of deathly chemical poisons which will be used to kill a certain victim. By the end of the film, nine deliveries would have been made, however one delivery is left but the agents cant track this person down...

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