Saturday 14 December 2013

Research & Planning: Test Shooting & Location Shots

Alleyway Location
On the weekend, as a group we visited the locations spots for our film opening so we could get a clearer insight towards the specific shots which we will consider using. Additionally, we used the iPad to start test shooting the scenes which we have to shoot for our film opening. I think it went really well as we now have a better idea of how we are going to shoot certain aspects e.g. the shots and also considering the mise en scene of each frame shown. We also took lighting into consideration as we needed it to be bright but also adding a hint of darkness as we wanted to add enigma to the scene. 
Bridge Location

The first photo shows the location of the alleyway scene, which is surrounded by colourful leaves which haves fallen to the ground, creating a good mise en scene; this location portrays the characters journey to the bridge. The second photo displays the bridge location, where the delivery scene will take place. We discussed having a range of shots that take place here as we wanted to use the location in various ways e.g. a close up on the bridge of the box and a long shot from a distance showing the character on the bridge.

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