Tuesday 28 January 2014

Film Opening: Filming

When we went out to our location to film our footage on Saturday, overall we had a successful day capturing a range of footage which can be used and deleted while editing. The lighting was perfect for our shots as the sun was out reflecting as natural light for our scenes. We had already shot some footage previously before and the we needed the lighting to be the same to show clear continuity through out the film opening. In my group, we all took turns in using the camera and equipment available, shooting different shots from various angles so that we had a wide range of footage to choose when it came to editing. Additionally, we made most of all of the equipment, for example, we used the tripod to keep specific shots steady giving off a traditional and professional film style look and on the other hand, we had handheld shots which were slightly shaky, but also came across as adding to the tension and suspense which was created. We used the steady cam to make the panning shots smoother and adjusted the cameras various lens to establish each different shot that we had, for example, we used the 75mm lens for our close up and extreme close up shots. For our mid shots, we used the 50mm lens, to reveal elements of the character and for our long shots we used the 35mm lens to establish the setting and location.

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