Tuesday 28 January 2014

Research & Planning: Film Production Name

Image of a Blurred Path as inspiration
After researching various film productions companies, in particular British ones, as a group we contributed our ideas together to think of an original and unique film production name, which also had aspects of professionalism within it. Formerly, we had the name called "Alumination Productions", which I personally thought was too mainstream and was already an existing company in the film industry, therefore as a group we decided to change it. Our new ideas included names such as "Skyline Productions" & "Nightfall Productions" but throughout our research they were already taken and visible on the interest with copyright labels. However, we had an idea of basing the film company on the genre of the movies that they make; in our case it would come under the thriller genre. Eventually, for our film production name, we came up with the company name: Blurred Path Productions. We kept it simple but it's effective and unique, easy to remember, standing out to the audience. In terms of font and the way its displayed, we figured having a mini logo or photo would look quite effective with a elegant font which had an edge to it, linking to the genre of thriller. Ultimately, we want to keep it looking simplistic and professional, making it efficient for it's purpose. 

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