Tuesday 4 February 2014

Research & Planning: Music & Sound

On Thin Ice - The Dark Knight Rises Soundtrack: We chose this song as an inspiration towards the type of music that we wanted for our film opening. It has various elements including the pitch, volume and dynamics of the music and sound which links to the upsetting tone and mood of our film in general. The music in this specific song slowly builds up to a climax, creating enigma for the audience and also makes a big effect to the way the film opening will possibly flow. It fitted well against the footage that we had, as it had quite a slow pace but a beat which drove the film opening forward. However, we found this song too late nearing our deadline for the first cut and were unable to ask for permission to use it in our film opening, so we decided to search on other sites where there may be a similar song which we can use with no authority.

We researched further into the music which was similar and enhanced the genre of a thriller. Our teacher recommended a website formed by Moby Gratis [http://www.mobygratis.com/], where a wide range of independent music for film was accessible and free for us to use. We searched and listened to most songs, playing it against our footage and made assumptions of which song worked well the best. Finally, the song which we all thought was most well suited for our film opening was called "Live Forever". We downloaded the song off the website for free with a licensed copyright label enabling us to use the music with permission. After we received the music file, we formatted and converted the 'aiff' file to an 'mp3' file, ready to be edited into our film opening on Final Cut Pro. Here is a link to the song:

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