Friday 20 September 2013

Key Concept

In the first lesson, we learned about the key concept of media studies. I also did some extra research to find out what some of the specific terms meant, to understand them better.
  • Media Languages - camera, sound, mise en scene (colour, lighting, facial expressions, body gestures, setting, everything in the frame shot), editing - cut in film creates meaning/suspense
  • InstitutionsA formal organisation that creates and distributes media texts. 
  • Genre - (categorized - form, style and context) type of film e.g. romance.
  • Representation - The way in which the media 're-presents' the world around us in the form of sign and codes for audiences to read. 
  • Audience - The people who are intended to read, watch, play and listen.
  • Ideology - Set of ideas or beliefs e.g. text being described as feminist, meaning it promotes the idea that women and men are equal.
  • Narrative - The way a story is explained.
I also learned these new terms:
  • A Voyeur (ism) - this is when your watching someone and they don't know they are being watched.
  • Exhibitionist (ism) - this is when they know your watching e.g. a music video.

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