Tuesday 24 September 2013

Preliminary Task: Test Filming

iPad footage
To use time productively, we spent the lesson using an iPad to film some test shots, this enabled us to practice how we would take the specific shots that are required. Next, we used 'iMovie' to join all the clips together, giving us a clear preview of what our real film will look like when we use the camera. I think this was a useful process for our group because when we use the camera, we won't waste any time thinking about 'how' it may be shot; as we have already practiced this on the iPad. Additionally, as a group we played around with the simple transitions available on iMovie to see weather is was necessary using fades or just straight cuts for this task. Finally, we also learned from our mistakes, as our teacher pointed out at one point, that we had crossed/broken the 180 degrees rule while filming.

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