Friday 20 September 2013

Preliminary Exercise: Brief

We were given the original task exercise and found out that we had to include particular shots when filming such as 1. match on action: which means making sure it has continuity, 2. shot/reverse shot: which is when it will film one character point of view and then show the character's opposite and 3. 180-degree rule: which means keeping within that distance when filming and not crossing it. We also started to create a script so we have everything planned out before hand and we also decided to make a new storyboard to make the process clearer and guide us. Additionally, we booked the equipment as a group and made a plan of when we will use after school hours to start filming in our diaries. Our teacher gave us a deadline for research, planning and filming to be done by the 27th September, so we made our schedule working up towards this date.

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