Wednesday 20 November 2013

Research & Planning: Film Certification

Film Certifications
To research into certification of films, i visited the bbfc website which stands for British Board of Film Certification.Website: - This website gave me an insight of the various boundaries of each age group and the range of aspects that each category consists of. Additionally, researching into certification gave me thoughts on who my target audience may be for my film and which rating would be applied appropriately. 

At U there is very mild language, with very brief intimacy and violence. At 12, there may be strong language which is infrequent, sexual scenes are briefly shown and moderate violence which does'nt dwell into too much detail. At 15, each aspect is at a stronger level, portraying elements in stronger detail, also the horror genre falls in this category commonly. At R18, themes are so graphic and explicit that only licensed adult users are allowed to view the films. 

On the other hand, regarding our film/opening, we decided to give it a rating of 12A as it may contain elements in the story which are too bewildering and confusing for a child to see and the story plot is quite advanced in terms of a young child understanding. A parent may need to be with a young child while viewing this movie as it contains some emotional upsetting scenes.

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