Wednesday 27 November 2013

Research & Planning: Music Used In Films

In most films, there is a music score which is original music written specifically to accompany a film. I researched into films which had interesting soundtrack music which is played in the background during the duration of the film to get familiar with how it is adapted to fit in with the film itself. This type of music is often used to give the film a smooth flow from start to end, i want to include music in my film opening which suits its purpose in terms of the genre and how the story unfolds.

"Inception" theme music
The music score for this movie links with it's story line and adds suspense to each scene as it plays in the background during most of the movie.This type of music is known as non-diegetic, as it is created by the imaginary world of film, specifically for this film. The 'Inception' theme music has a very slow pace and beat to it, connoting a form and tone of sadness which drives the movie on throughout. As it's instrumental, you can hear the effect of the instruments which adds additional suspense with the music building up to a climax. I like how this type of music fits in well with it's stroy as it shows that there's purpose for everything that's happening and justifies each scene. For our film opening, i want to have music in the background which plays along well with the theme of our genre and story itself.

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