Monday 18 November 2013

Research & Planning: Film Opening Analysis: Various Genres

An establishing shot (wide) is used showing the bedroom, setting the scene. In terms of mise en scene, its quite a dark atmosphere which can create a enigmatic feel to it, additionally,the lighting is low key creating shadows. This dark lighting could foreshadow a negative element which is soon to approach later in the movie. A low shot has been used which could suppose that someone is watching and the way the shot has been composed with the door open, could suggest someone is intruding into his privacy.The character in this shot is reading and his bedroom consists of old fashioned furniture e.g. the book shelf, which suggests that the man is intelligent and sophisticated, this can represent and reflect his age. Off screen diegetic sound is used, you can hear noise outside e.g. police sirens this could suggest that he lives in the city, which connotes crime. On screen non diegetic sound of the metronome (ticking), this can create suspense as it could suggest that the man is waiting for something to happen. The main theme music (which is non diegetic) clearly indicates that the movie comes under the horror/thriller genre as it has a eerie feel to it. In terms of the titling used, the font is very sharp and edgy which can make the audience feel unsettled and scared. Throughout the clip, a series of extreme close up shots are used which are snappy creating mystery and tension for the audience. At the end of the opening credits another establishing shot is used of the city to set the tone for the next scene.

Many establishing shots are used to set the scene and show the audience the journey that the character follows. At the start, a long shot of a car driving along the road is shown followed by a mid-shot of the character in the car with the setting in the background through the window. I like how non-diegetic music and diegetic music are combined for the film opening, for example, you can hear the car/aeroplane (ambient sounds) as well as the soundtrack playing in the background. I like how all of it ties in together and how the sound is positioned in the correct areas, as it adds a more realistic feel to it. The distributor name fades out and the camerea begins to tilt upwards over the rocks, i like how this has been edited. When the title "Twilight" is faded in onto the screen, an establishing shot of a forest is in the background setting the scene from the constasting warm orange colour that had been portrayed before the titles. A voice over is used which makes elements of the story and character clear to the audience. The tone of voice suggests a sad tone to the story additionally with the cold colours presented. In terms of mise en scene, the colours used in the opening are very contrasting, the colours towards the beginning are warm and bright as it shows a sunny setting and location, however, the film in general has a cold tinted blue colour to it, which could connote a negative mood. In the car, a mid-shot (two-shot) is used to show the characters and a panning shot is used when each person talks. When the character leaves the car, she is holding a cactus which is very contrasting to the setting she is in. At the end of the clip, a panning shot is used to show an overview of her bedroom from the eye line match of the girl.

In terms of credits, the opening sequence of Breaking Dawn Part 2 are quite interesting as the font is covered over by a smooth font, which i find really effective and the non-diegetic music creates mystery as it's quite a slow pace and slowly builds up, generating suspense:

"Easy A"
In the mise en scene, the scene opens with bright colours that are portrayed which connotes a happy tone and mood. A long shot is used to show the people walking in a high school atmosphere, I like way the opening credits are displayed along the ground throughout the scene, as it's very controversial supposed to a horror genre. The non-diegetic music playing in the background is very upbeat and creates a positive mood, suggesting that the movie may be a comedy. The speed of the person talking in the voice over is very fast and up to the point, with a relatively sarcastic tone which engages the audience. I like the tracking shot used which follows on from each person who is captured in the shot because it gives the opening scene a smooth flow. I like how the main actor is shown at the end of the clip as supposed to being displayed at the beginning as it sets the scene for the rest of the movie. 

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